Bennett Helm wrote:
On Apr 27, 2007, at 10:25 AM, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
"Abdelrazak" == Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Abdelrazak> Bennett Helm wrote:
On Apr 27, 2007, at 9:38 AM, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
Silly me! Try this one.
 This time no crash, but the file does not open.
Abdelrazak> OK, try this one then. Please test also the opening when
Abdelrazak> LyX is also running.
I think you need a stack/vector of files names. I suspect you can get
several FileOpen messages.

Really? Oh well... can you confirm this Bennett? Maybe when you drag and drop multiple files onto the LyX icon...

That patch works: dragging single or multiple files to the dock icon opens them all.

I don't understand how this thing works. I guess the first file loading is delayed and the when the other events arrives, LyX is already initialized. IOW this could be just luck and probably this won't work on less powerful systems.


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