>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Richard> Fixing this is trivial, in a way: I can just change the
Richard> button policy in frontends/qt4/Dialogs.cpp. However, this
Richard> causes a problem elsewhere: If you leave the dialog open and
Richard> move the cursor, you still can't apply. Solving this does not
Richard> seem trivial: There would need to be a "cursor moved" signal
Richard> to which the dialog could connect, or something of the sort,
Richard> and there doesn't seem to be one. 

I do not really know what a good solution would be. A cursor moved
signal would not be too bad, it could be set in LyXFunc::dispatch by
comparing cursor before/after.

But then it you set underline on a word, then move the cursor one step
right and then use OK, the problem is the same.

The real solution may just be to get rid of the 'toggle' behaviour of
the dialog. I think it is the real underlying usability bug.

Richard> A way around that, at present, would be to make the dialog
Richard> modal, but I know we prefer not to do that. 

Making the dialog modal means that we do not need an apply button
anyway :)


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