Thank you for your feedback.

אבג <space> <F!2>abc<space><F12> דהו

I get

אבג [ abc]דהו

Yes, that is what I would expect from the current implementation ( only the space should be eliminated. Will check that.

when I move back (to the space) with the cursor the extra space is eliminated (I've attached a screenshot to show how it looks on screen). If I do the same thing in Lyx 1.4 (I guess it's the same as lyx1.5 without the patches) it results in

אבג [abc] דהו

In LyX 1.5 RC1 you will also get this, but internally (and later when exporting to Latex!) you get the upper behavior.

But you have a point here. Maybe one can do something about it when inserting character? Don't know yet.


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