On Fri, 17 Aug 2007, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

The patch itself is not that big. The changes in BufferView is all about removal of function and removal of test of the type 'if (buffer_)' which does not make sense anymore.

So, objection?

Thanks for the updated description, I may even dare to try and look at the patch/code this weekend now:-) As it's Friday evening after a long day,
I'd like to ask if I've understood the description reasonably correct.

Ignoring Qt specializations.

       | (many)
       WorkArea <-----------> Buffer

If the <---> means a refernce or a pointer then it's more something like this:

BufferList (N Buffer)

Application (this is the frontend really, should probably be renamed).
   LyXView-1 (M1 WorkAreas, M1 <= N)
   |  |
   |  <tab-widget>
   |     | (many)
   |     WorkArea-1
   |       |
   |       BufferView <-----------> Buffer-c
   |         |
   |         Cursor
   LyXView-2 (M2 WorkAreas, M2 <= N, M2 independent of M1)

Don't know how to represent that there may be many WorkAreas in the tab widget, or that there may be more buffers in the system. Anyway, if the image is reasonably accurate, I think it might help to be placed with the descriptive text.

Should there be an 'Application' somewhere in there as well?

See above.

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