Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Neal Becker wrote:
In my title I tried to insert:

Revision ERT{\input{build_id}}

On the screen, it says: \INPUT{BUILD_ID}

because I'm using ams art, and title is caps.

I chose 'view source', it says:
\title{SCMA Design Document\\
Revision \input{build_id}}


OK, fine.  Just a screen buglet.  Wait, no!

lyx --export pdf <file>
! LaTeX Error: File `BUILD_ID.tex' not found.

With ERT, you're on your own.
Try ERT{\MakeLowercase{\input{build_id}}}


Actually, I'm pretty sure this is a regression, which is due to the current_font text->cursor move. What happens is, ERT font used to be set explicitly, but now since there's no place to set it, it just takes the font from the surrounding text. So in an AMS title you'll apparently get all-caps, in an emph environment the text will all be emph, in a non-latin language you can't type latin text at all, which means ERT is useless in this context.

See the thread http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.editors.lyx.devel/93458. Something really should be done about this, but I'm not sure what the correct way to deal with this is... I suggested one approach in that message, but it's just an idea, I don't know if it would work in practice...


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