> This is now working like that.

thank you Abdel :)

i'd like to ask one question more. 
first my intenstion: i'd like to have one inset C
containing two derivates of insetbox A,B. C is not
supposed to do anything else than provide these two boxes
and have one special settings dialog on mouse click.
something like this:
|  _         _         |
| |A|       |B|        |
| --------  ---------  |
| |      |  |       |  |
| |      |  |       |  |
| |      |  |       |  |
| --------  ---------  |
|                      |

now the question is from what inset derive C.
i though about insetbox too - one would need to 
-forbid editing inside C
-make the cursor move from outside directly to A and from A to B.
-forbid deleting A or B from inside

is it good idea to use insetbox for this or is there more elegant
solution ? 
>From the recent experience i'll be happy to avoid any metrics and
painting gymnastics...


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