Does anyone know roughly how long it takes to build LyX on a machine with one of these processors:
* Core 2 Duo E4300
* AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+
* AMD Athlon X2 BE-2400 (or BE-2350)

The reason for my strange question is that I'm going to buy a server to have at home, and I'm using LyX development as my personal motivation for getting hardware that's more powerful than I really need... The server will act as my PVR, personal wiki, file server etc, but in addition I'm going to use it for LyX development. Compiling LyX will the most heavy task of the server.

Actually, my plan is to install one or more virtual machines in it and then do LyX compilations there - so the next time Andre' breaks the build process, I'll give him an account and he can look at the problem directly.
Hm - virtualization tends to slow things down - why bother? Just give
him an account he can ssh into instead? Surely you trust him to
not vandalize the computer ;-) Not that a unprivileged user can do
much damage anyway.

So, going back to my original question, does anyone have an estimate of the build time with these?

A somewhat related question: Is a quad core an advantage when it comes to building LyX? Is the linking stage multi-threaded?
I don't know about LyX in particular, but compiling can generally take
advantage of many cores. (Look at the man pages for make,
it supports the parameter -j <num> where you specify
the number of parallel threads. Specify at least as many as you
have cores, perhaps 1 more.  Then you enjoy a 4x speedup on
a quad-core machine. :-)

Helge Hafting

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