Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Index: src/insets/InsetListings.cpp
--- src/insets/InsetListings.cpp        (Revision 20435)
+++ src/insets/InsetListings.cpp        (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -177,7 +177,11 @@
                        os << "\\lstinline[" << from_ascii(param_string) <<
"]" << *delimiter; } else {
-               docstring const caption = getCaption(buf, runparams);
+               OutputParams rp = runparams;
+               rp.local_font = &text_.real_current_font;
+               rp.moving_arg = true;
+               docstring const caption = getCaption(buf, rp);
+               runparams.encoding = rp.encoding;
                if (param_string.empty() && caption.empty())
                        os <<
"\n\\begingroup\n\\inputencoding{latin1}\n\\begin{lstlisting}\n"; else {

I'd also like to fix this in trunk. However, how can I access real_current_font (or cursor, for that matter) from within InsetListings::latex nowadays?

You can't. But are you sure the same bug is present in trunk?


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