
There is something fishy in this method.

set<char_type> Encoding::getSymbolsList() const
        // assure the used encoding is properly initialized

        // first all encodable characters
        CharSet symbols = encodable_;
        // add those below start_encodable_
        for (char_type c = 0; c < start_encodable_; ++c)
        // now the ones from the unicodesymbols file
        CharInfoMap::const_iterator const end = unicodesymbols.end();
        CharInfoMap::const_iterator it = unicodesymbols.begin();
        for (; it != end; ++it)
        return symbols;

The lengthy initialization for utf8* encoding is not due to iconv and this is normal as we shouldn't have to do a lookup for utf8 encodable characters, all of them are. No, the problem lies is when we insert the symbols from the unicodesymbols file. For utf8, we shouldn't do that because _all_ symbols are already in there. On each insertion, std::set() has to search if the given symbols is not already present; as you have 1114112 symbols...


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