David Utidjian wrote:
> Steffen,
> I saw you link to your thesis on the lyx-user mailing list. I like what
> you have done. However it is not clear to me how the scripts are
> applied.
> Before lyx2html, during, after?
You mean before latex2html, right?

> Hmmmm... after reading the source :-) it appears that latex2html is
> called within lyx2html.
> OK so what does it fix?

lyx2html works as follows:

0. Called by a command lyx2html DOC.lyx (requires an up-to-date latex-export

1. Preparation of the latex file exported by LyX with the sed script
 a) Remove all pagerefs (senseless in HTML docs) and related text('on page ')
 b) Comment out redefintion of url tag (=>url tags will be recognized by
 c) Replace illegal characters from label tags with '_' (mainly ':')
 d) Remove empty pages (senseless in HTML docs; latex2html translates them as
 e) Comment out ident/skip block command (produces error message; why?)
 f) Comment out special LyX-Latex code and custom Latex-preamble (normally
useless in
    HTML and produced error messages and undesired behavior with latex2html)
 g) Make latex2html handle uppertitleback and lowertitleback as regular text,
but on
    the coverpage

2. Run latex2html

3. Polish cover page with sed script 'improvecover':
 a) Remove navigation panels
 b) Remove all TOC entries that don't have their own file (subsections and
 c) Remove (dummy) footnote numbers in TOC entries

4. Polish about page with sed script 'improveinfo':
 a) Change some text
 b) Teplace complex address parameter with the word ADDRESS and file with FILE

5. Polish contents page
 a) Remove (dummy) footnote numbers in TOC entries

6. Polish all html files with sed script 'improveall'
 a) Add a line after the both navigation panel
 b) Remove all table of contents for subsections
 c) Remove (dummy) footnote numbers in TOC entries
 d) Remove chapter number from footnote number (before: cno.fno, after: fno)
 e) Put the footnotes below the navigation panel
 f) Insert a SSI command for a hidden counter

7. Initialize all hit counters

8. Copy used scripts to a subdirectory of the generated html directory

9. Clean up and set correct access rights

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