Hi, sorry if this is not the place for this, but I have found that LyX
1.1.5fix2 crashes when xforms 0.89 is installed. The crash occurs when I
try to type an accented character, such as ó. In running LyX within KDE
1.1.2, using the Spanish keyboard mapping. The problem goes away when
xforms 0.88 is used. I noticed this problem because I recently updated
to SuSE 7.0, which installs xforms 0.89. I just uninstalled that version
and got the xforms 0.88 rpms that come with Suse 6.4. This solves the
problem. I don't know if the problem exists with the LyX 1.1.4 that
ships with SuSE 7.0, but it would be unfortunate if it did. I'll try to
check on that tomorrow (got to write a Lyx document now!) Thanks to the
developers for all your work with LyX - I'm a religious user. Regards,
Michael Creel.

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