>>>>> "Baruch" == Baruch Even <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Baruch> <quote> User-level configuration is possible with a file
Baruch> "~/.lyx/lyxrc". You can use the system-wide lyxrc file (which
Baruch> should be somewhere like /usr/local/share/lyx/lyxrc) as a
Baruch> template for your personal lyxrc file. Remember that a
Baruch> personal configuration file will be used instead of, not in
Baruch> addition to, any system-wide file. </quote>

Baruch> There is no mention here of the fact that FormPreferences will
Baruch> override these definitions. On the same note, after
Baruch> FormPreferences first save there should popup a dialog saying
Baruch> that from now on the lyxrc file is worthless, maybe even
Baruch> removing or renaming it.

Allan, could you have a look? I am not really sure how all this thing
works (will work?).


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