"Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| On 13 Oct 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
| > And the idea to use strings in these places is not really new, either.
| > IIRC the last proposal to use XTL was more or less a direct reaction to
| > this idea, based on the (unvalidated and IMNSHO unjustified) assumption
| > that using strings might be too slow.

I certainly did not write that.

What I'd like to know is how XTL solve:

string line;
cin >> line;
int a = stream_cast(line);


int b = stream_cast("123");

I do not thing xtl is suited fot that specific task, which was the
reason why i mentioned stream_cast in the first place.

stream_cast and XTL are completely different beasts, but sometimes
they can be used for the same/similar task.

| Please don't say that string_cast is technically superior to XTL. That is
| simply not true.

Who said that?

| I just thought that I would clarify things a bit.

Not sure if you did.


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