> That's my fault, I started doing it but stopped when I was unable to
> compile. Something related to Qt.
> I'll repost the error message, I assume a dependency is missing or something.

Well, the previous error seems to have vanished now that I updated the sources.

However, doxygen fails because it seems that the current method for
outputting the results in another directory isn't working as it

Here are the commands I use to do it all:

     # Get the source and remove any existing build directory
     mkdir -p ~/lyx; cd ~/lyx;
     rm -rf lyx-devel build    # Opt. delete existig dirs
     svn co svn://svn.lyx.org/lyx/lyx-devel/trunk lyx-devel

    # Run autogen, configure and then build LyX
     cd ~/lyx/lyx-devel; ./autogen.sh
     mkdir -p ~/lyx/build; cd ~/lyx/build; ../lyx-devel/configure

   # Re-generation of docs, directly places it in the correct directory:
   [ -d $SOURCEDOC/svnold ] && rm -rf $SOURCEDOC/svnold
   mv $SOURCEDOC/svn $SOURCEDOC/svnold
   mkdir -p $SOURCEDOC/svn
   cd ~/lyx/build
   make OUTPUT_DIR=$SOURCEDOC/svn doxydoc

Unfortunately the very last step fails. The code in sourcedoc/Makefile
does this:

  cd $(OUTPUT_DIR); doxygen ./Doxyfile

however, as I've set OUTPUT_DIR to somewhere that there is no
Doxyfile, it obviously doesn't work.

The funny thing is that I thought I had execute the above previously,
and that it did work. Oh well.

It could be that there is a different version of Doxygen installed, as
I do get warning messages about the Doxyfile containg obsolete

I am currently generating the documentation manually, i.e. I did

   cd ~/lyx/build/sourcedoc
  doxygen ./Doxyfile

and then I'll manually move everything that was created, i.e

  rmdir  $SOURCEDOC/svn
  cd ~/lyx/build
  mv sourcedoc $SOURCEDOC/svn

This way we'll at least have the latest documentation. (assuming that
the doxygen command completes successfully etc, it's taking some time)


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