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We have used CVS for some time now, and I think we can said to be
generally happy about it. However, until now we have only had small
organizational problems due to the small number of developers with
write access to the repository. This is now beginning to change,
currently we have four(three?) developers that sould get write access.

To make the use of CVS easier for everybody we need to use some of
CVS' featues more, in particular _branching_. We should, when creating
a new feature or makeing extensive modifications to the currect ones,
always do this in a branch. Current projects that could be done in a
branch: new importer, the pointer -> reference switch, NEW_INSETS etc.

What we now need is a document describing how to do this, we also need
to lay down the guidelies for when and how to do this.

I propose this:
        1 - developers can generate branches as they see fit. (after a
        small discussion)
        2 - merging from HEAD can be done by the developer responsible
        for te branch as the need arises (read: whenever)
        3 - mergint _to_ HEAD should never be done before it has been
        approved by the other developers, (read: peer review) and
        deemed acceptable.

In more detail:

1. When a developer has some significant changes¹ that needs to be
   done, just want to make some experimental changes, he should create
   a new branch² to do this in. By doing this he declares himself
   "branch maintainer"³. One thing to be very clear about is that
   branches should never be long lived.

¹ a sinificant change is a completely new feature, extensive changes
to core structures, or just large changes to existing features/code.

² There will be more on the scheme to name branches later in the

³ We will have a web/txt page describing all branches and their curent

2. When working on a branch the development on HEAD does not stop, so
   from time to time the branch maintainer will have to merge the
   changes on HEAD into the branch. The branch maintainer does this
   whenever deemed needed. The exact procedure for this is described
   in detail later in this document.

3. When a branch has fullfilled its task, or has come to a stable
   point, we need to merge the branch into HEAD. We should be very
   careful about this, because:
        - the branch code might have serious impact/interactions on
   other code.
        - the branch has most likely only been reviewed/tested by a
        - the code/implementation in the branch might be non-optimal
   and changes might be needed (and those changes are best made in the

   So before the merge a diff to the HEAD should be created so that
   the others can have a look at what has been done and comment on it.
   Think of this as a Peer Review. Only when the other developers are
   satisfied about the code should the merge be done.

[Much of what follows is more or less directly form an article in
Dr.Dobbs Journal #317 octover 2000 p. 108: CVS version control and
branch management]

Naming of branches.
- -------------------

Releases will follow the current scheme, with some small changes. 
Branches will have BRANCH_ prepended
Tags will have TAG prepended
Merges will have MERGE in them.


let me try to ascii-draw this example
          BRANCH_NEW_INSETS             X           X
          |                            ^            |
          |                            |     TAG_NEW_INSETS_MERGE_TO_HEAD
          |                            |            |
       branch                        merge        merge
          |                            |            | 
lyx-1_2_0 |                            |            |
 |        |                            |            v lyx_1_3_0
- -|--------|----------------------------|--------------|------------------------
 X        X     HEAD                   X             XX
- ----------|----------------------------|-------------|-------------------------
          |                            |             |
          TAG_CREATE_BRANCH_NEW_INSETS |             |
                                       |         TAG_HEAD_MERGE_FROM_NEW

This is the algorithm:

1. Create your branch and begin working on it
2. Merge changes in the HEAD the first time
3. Corrent conficts and commit
4. Continue working
5. Merge changes in the HEAD that occurred between
   your last merge and now.
6. Go to Step 4 if more work is to be done.
7. When done with the branch, merge changes from
   the branch to the HEAD
8. Correct conflicts on the HEAD and commit.

In detail with CVS commands:

Step 1. Create your branch and tag the HEAD where it was made. Then
check out a copy of your module that is on the branch.

cvs rtag TAG_CREATE_<branch name> lyx-devel
cvs rtag -b -r TAG_CREATE_<branch name> BRANCH_<branch name> lyx-devel
cvs checkout -r BRANCH_<branch name> lyx-devel

Step 2. Merge canges in the HEAD te first time. First tag the HEAD to
establish a merge point. Then do the merge.

cvs rtag TAG_HEAD_MERGE_TO_<branch name> lyx-devel
cvs update -jHEAD

Step 3. Correct conflicts and commit. After the commit, tag the
branch. [Concurrency issue: This step assumes that no one is making
changes on the branch from the time of the update in the past step to
te "cvs rtag" operation in this one. If that cannot be assured, tag
the working area instead of te repository (that is, use cvs tag
instead of cvs rtag).]

cvs rtag -r BRANCH_<branch name> TAG_<branch name>_MERGE_FROM_HEAD lyx-devel

Step 4. Continue working on the branch until you want to merge in
changes from the HEAD again.

Step 5. Merge changes in the HEAD that occured between your last merge
and now. This is the important step to understand. Merge from the old
tag on the HEAD to the present.

cvs update -jTAG_HEAD_MERGE_TO_<branch name> -jHEAD

Move the tag. The same concurrency issue from Step 3 applies here as

cvs rtag -F TAG_HEAD:MERGE_TO_<branch name> lyx-devel

Fix conflicts and commit. Update the tag on the branch:

cvs rtag -F -r BRANCH_<branch name> TAG_<branch name>_MERGE_FROM_HEAD lyx-devel

Step 6. If mroe owrk is to be done on the branch, go to step 4.
Otherwise go to te next step.

Step 7. When done with the branch, merge canges from the branch to the

cd to lyx-devel that is cecked-out on HEAD (not BRANCH_<branch name>)

cvs update -jBRANCH_<branch name>

Step 8. Fix conflicts. You will likely see a lot of conflicts here
that you dealt with already on the side branch. The second choide
conflict is the one that came from the branch and usually is the one
you want to choose. This should be straightforward. Fix all conflicts
and commit. Advise others that the side branch is no longer to be

Of course before we continue from step 6 a patch should be created that
can be used for review of the changes. And if any changes are needed
we should move to step 4 and do them and continue from there.

I'd like to get some comments on this, but I will bot put it into
effect until after 1.1.6 is released and we begin working towards 1.2.


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