Also sprach Stephan Witt:
> Am 30.08.2010 um 13:07 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
> > Stephan Witt wrote:
> >> I removed one FIXME which is outdated and one that might be still valid.
> >> Perhaps I should have mentioned this, but I don't think that this should
> >> be customizable.
> > 
> > I think it should. This is a common customization option for
> > spellcheckers (you can customize whether to check words with digits or
> > not, amongst others, in Ooo and MS Word).
> Interestingly.
> The comment claims that hunspell (used by Ooo AFAIK) ignores words with
> digits... 

..."by default". Which means you can change that behaviour, I suppose.

> But I have no problem to let the FIXME survive.
> Nevertheless I'd see a problem to implement it. Since different spell
> checker engines behave differently here. Apples engine ignores these words
> too.

Why? We have different spelling engines. These will need to take care if/how 
the respective speller's setting will have to be changed.

> BTW, the word LyX is correct for apples spell checker :-)

by default? :-)

> > Rather than searching for specific special char insets, I'd rather check
> > for inset->isLetter(). That's what the spellchecker in branch does (via
> > the now obviosuly ditched function Paragraph::isLetter).
> Aha, thanks. I realized that it's as simple as this:
> If a char at pos is not a word-separator but an inset then is has to be
> handled like soft-hyphen et. al.
> So it is like that:
>  while (last < to && !owner_->isWordSeparator(last)) {
>   if (owner_->getInset(last)) {
>    // do something about soft-hyphens or ligature-breaks
>   }
>   ++last;
>  }

Hm. I'm not sure. Anyway, if isLetter is not the correct attribute (I'm not 
sure about that myself, but I know that JMarc knows), we should create an 
appropriate inset/character attribute for the given purpose.


> Stephan

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