Friday 17 November 2000 21:11 wrote John Levon:
> On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, Matthias Ettrich wrote:
> True, but then you lose the KDE2 added bonuses. I'm sure *you* are aware
> of that :)
> I'm not averse to a pure-Qt port, but personally I'm not interested in
> it ...

In KDE2, pure Qt and KDE are very similar. It's possible to support both with 
a few #ifdefs. The biggest difference will currently be the KDE widget style 
engine and the network transparency. This would also make a MS-Window port 

> > I don't believe you can use any of the code for KDE 1.1. It's simply too
> > different.
> OK, I will bow to your far greater knowledge here. I admit I still don't
> know what to do about KDE2 ...

Focus on Qt2 right now. The Qt Designer makes life soooooo much easier. When 
you feel comfortable, extend the thing to use some nifty KDE2 features.


> I believe this is mostly due to lack of time of the developers. I know
> personally I have very little time to spend on LyX ... and I am just a
> serf compared to Allan etc.

Another reason to use existing resources as wise as possible. Maximize fun, 
minimize work. Object-orientation, code-reuse and utilizing existing 
development frameworks help achieving that :)


> > Sorry, that's more than lame. KDE is an application development
> > framework. Nobody has to run the window manager in order to run
> > applications written with that framework.
> I'm aware of this. Have you ever tried running a KDE app under gnome or
> vice versa with 40Mb of memory ? Maybe you aren't bothered, but I still
> care about those users (maybe because I am one). And you exaggerate the

According to the latest surveys, the vast majority of linux users has 
machines with more than 300 Mhz and at least 64MB ram. Today, you cannot even 
buy something that slow and small. The current standard for new systems is at 
least 128MB ram. 

Forcing the 2% potential users of LyX on machines with only 32MB of ram to 
run either no desktop or KDE2 doesn't sound like a terrible constraint to me. 
With such a machine, you should run KDE2 anyway if you want a decent web 
browser :)

> inter-operability between KDE and Gnome. To pick an example, the component
> architectures are still not inter-operable AFAIK. You can bring up further
> examples much better than I could I am sure. To pretend that a
> Qt-targetted program is exactly equivalent to a Gnome-targetted one seems
> blatantly untrue to me.

I'm not aware of any plans of the LyX team to utilize either KPart or Bonobo 
components, so this doesn't really apply.  It might make sense to embed an 
image or postscript KPart, that's true. Those will work just fine on a Gnome 

Apart from that: I'm pretty sure that we'll see a way to utilize kparts in 
bonobo applications and vice versa before LyX2 comes out. Providing 
interoperability like this is much less work than a toolkit-indepent text 
processor backend.

To clearify my statement: I haven't said there is no work involved in making 
a Qt application behave as closely to a native Gnome application as possible. 
What I said is that it involves less work than full GUI independence and that 
it's actually useful work that will benefit many more projects, not just LyX.

I sometimes have the impression that LyXers believe a KDE port would just 
reach a tiny share of possible users. On Linux, that's just not true. 
Approximately 70% of all users use KDE, many more have it installed to be 
able to use at least some KDE applications. With the KDE2 release, I'm 
confident we'll strengthen that position. There will be packages available 
for Solaris and other commercial unixes (Sun even ships KDE with their 
systems). Kylix (when finally released) will bring even more Qt based 
applications to Linux. Many more big applications users use have been ported 
from MS-Windows to Linux using Wine, that's not Gtk+ either. OpenOffice, like 
I already said, uses its own toolkit and is even dubbed "core gnome 

In other words, a single-toolkit desktop will not happen anytime soon, but 
we'll see a tighter integration of many toolkits including shared components. 
RAM doesn't matter with 128MB, what users are concerned with is look and feel 
and common themes. 

How many potential users do you think a Qt-quality MS-Windows version can 
reach? On my university, the missing MS-WIndows port was reason enough to not 
offer LyX as standardsoftware (plain LaTeX was available, though). That was 
years ago. Today, universities are even more windows-centric. LyX would 
immediately become a standard package for technical or mathmatical papers.

But the best thing with a KDE2 port: thanks to ViaVoice, you'll soon get 
decent speech control almost for free ;)


Thanks for arguing, John. Sleep about it. Maybe you'll change mind and will 
be able to convince Lars and Asger :)

Good night,


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