Am 13.02.2011 um 23:15 schrieb Pavel Sanda:

> Stephan Witt wrote:
>> I've a pending patch to "fix" the drawing issues with Qt4.7 we have when 
>> fonts support kerning.
>> Until we provide a proper solution - not likely in LyX 2.0.0 - I propose to 
>> paint every character separately.
> i dont have 4.7 to test here, but obvious question is performance impact.
> lyx painting in fullscreen mode is slow even now...
> have you tried some test?

I cannot see a difference here.

Open the (German) Users Guide, switch to full screen, 
start page down until end of document it lasts 15 seconds.

I tried both, with single character painter and with the "old" version.

But it's possible LyX has no problems only on *my* hardware.
I'd like to get a feedback from someone else - or I'll do the tests
on Linux in VMware and see what happens.


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