Am 20.02.2011 um 15:11 schrieb Pavel Sanda:

> Stephan Witt wrote:
>> One general question: why is Alt and Meta in LyX key bindings the same?
> because most of the keyboards nowadays dont have meta key?
> i remember to see it on some sun keyboards in one of our uni labs
> 10 years back. they looked archeological even at that time :)

If I remember right this was mapped to Super in xev.

>> Which platform needs this mixup of things?
> i guess it will be only very specialized archs which know meta.
> on pc based it will be emulated by alt today and with another key
> at mac, so our usage of 'M' looks having only historical meaning.

On a mac this is very bad.

I can circumvent this with many many #ifdef's but it would be easier
if Alt key makes AltModifier and Meta makes MetaModifier.
Another ugly "solution" (but somewhat logical) would be to make
MetaModifier coded as "A".

I can understand it is a big big change to custom bind files.
I don't had a really good idea until now...


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