Am 22.02.2011 um 20:37 schrieb BH:

>>> So let me give another example of what was genuinely a custom
>>> keybinding. I had <opt><cmd><shift>B set to toggle toolbar visibility.
>>> Now that no longer works, but instead <ctrl><cmd><shift>B does.
>> This indeed I would not solve, the custom keybinding changes then.
>> If one want to see it this way. In fact only the <opt> variant isn't
>> accessible anymore - the <ctrl> variant is untouched.
> That's fine.


>> I'd "solve" it by adding a sentence to the RELEASE-NOTES (ToDo).
> I wonder if it would be better to put it (also) someplace more
> prominent. I can imagine having many users, who typically don't read
> release notes, hitting the e-mail list complaining that LyX-2.0 breaks
> their treasured keybindings. Then again, I can also imagine that not
> happening: I just don't know.

You're probably right :)

I'll see if I can make it more prominent.
I want to add some file to the distribution media for LyX-2.0 RC anyway.

>> I've made another patch with the following changes:
>> * add a check for USE_META_KEYBINDING macro
>>  one can check the code on Linux or Windows when it's set
>> * check for already containing modifiers in KeySymbol::print()
>>  not really needed - I can leave this out if controversial
>> * add some key state output for debug in GuiWorkArea::keyPressEvent()
>>  not really needed either
>> * remove duplicate debug output from GuiApplication::processKeySym()
>>  ditto
>> * overhauled and reorganized mac.bind file
>>  now it should as close as possible to standard
>>  the bookmark save I've moved to Command-Option-1...
> Don't do that for my sake. If <Cmd><Ctrl>[number] was working before,
> I think we ought to preserve that.

Ok, I'll change that back.

>> If possible - Bennet, can you please apply it against clean checkout
>> and check if it is ok? Thanks.
> It looks like it's working fine. All motion keys (and shifted
> variants) seem to work, and I haven't noticed any other problems.

Great. I'll put it in then.


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