Am 16.03.2011 um 15:10 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

> I cannot (yet) nail down this, and it's not always reproducible (actually, I 
> fail to reproduce it ATM), but I report it nevertheless since it strikes me 
> to be a severe problem (a release blocker):
> * insert a shaded box
> * go to document settings and change the shade color (I set it to grey, 
> * press OK and note that the message bar displays weird characters (looks 
> like binary actually)
> * View > View
> * a huge popup appears, again filled with weird characters
> * LyX freezes or crashes, in one case it crashed down the Desktop (KDE 4.6) 
> and X Server, losing all unapplied data
> I managed to reproduce this on two different machines.
> Can anyone reproduce this?

Sorry, I cannot reproduce it on Mac with SVN.


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