On 2011-10-06, Liviu Andronic wrote:

> But I was wondering whether there was a simple solution to this,
> namely re-using the Instant Preview machinery. I am not familiar with
> it's internals, but I understand that to display the LaTeX results the
> IP uses the 'preview' package to generate images and then embeds these
> into the LyX editor window. If I am getting this right, then LyX will
> have already generated an image out of a formula.

> How difficult would it be to add a 'Save IP' (or similar) to the
> c-menu of a math inset and allow users to export the image? Since LyX
> already knows how to convert a whole lot of formats, the dialogue
> could allow to save to all image formats known to LyX. If the
> generated image were in a vector format, then the whole process would
> be perfect.

Would this require that Instant Preview is on? (I have it always off.)

How about export formats that crop the document "canvas" to the used
area? Something like

   PDF (cropped)
   PNG (cropped)

Together with a simple template, these could provide for an "embeddable
graphics generator".


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