On 12/13/2011 06:06 PM, Richard Heck wrote:
> The fix we committed to #3821 is causing an assertion in the following
> situation:
> New File
> Create a 5x5 table
> Go to the third row, first column
> Paste some tab separated 3x3 table data
> The call to setSelection at the end of pasteClipboardText() is causing
> the assertion. The complaint has to do with the depth of the anchor. If
> you put some text in the table first, then it doesn't happen. But then
> it will happen if you move out of the table, move back into it, and
> paste before inserting text or doing anything else. It seems as if maybe
> the anchor isn't being reset initially?
It looks to me as if the problem may be that the anchor needs to be
reset (so its depth will be correct) when we move into the table. If we
add some text or something, that leads to a call to resetAnchor(), so we
are OK. Where's the right place to do this?


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