On 03/11/2012 05:36 PM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:
I've been working on a layout which changes the sectioning styles (part, chapter, section ...). In this layout these styles would be better described by other names, but if I change, say,

Style Chapter


Style RecordType

so that RecordType appears in the style combo box, the shortcut key Alt+P 1 no longer works. Of course I could assign a new shortcut key combination to the RecordType style, but where a hierarchy of new styles is involved (as here), it seems kinder to the user to continue using the familiar shortcut keys, Alt+P 0 to Alt+P 5, which are likely to be instinctive to any long-term LyX user.

I've tried command-alternatives but that doesn't seem to work in this case.

This is a bug: "layout Chapter" is enabled, even though Chapter is not available.

I would like to be able to write something like

Style    Chapter
  Alias  RecordType

so that RecordType (not Chapter) appears in the style combo box, but because Chapter is still used for the style name, the shortcut key continues to work: Alt+P 1 inserts the (heavily) revised Chapter style (which is really now a RecordType style).

This is a good idea. If you file an enhancement bug, I'll take care of it as soon as I have some time. But it's a format change, so it won't appear until 2.1.0.

If you do file that, can you also file a bug about the Chapter problem?


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