On 2012-09-12, Rainer M Krug wrote:

> Hi

> I am by no means a LaTeX expert and only was told
> (http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/71280/best-way-to-centre-figure-in-float
>  and also
> http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/2651/should-i-use-center-or-centering-for-figures-and-tables)
> that

>   \begin{centering}\includegraphics{whatever}
>   \end{centering}

> should not be used and is actually wrong and

> \centering\includegraphics{whatever}

> should be used instead. Now I am wondering: is there a reason, why LyX
> uses \begin{centering} in floats and not \centering, which apparently
> is the correct way?

The difference is not whether the centering happens in a float or
elsewhere. You could also put 3 paragraphs of text like

    A leading text.
       A centered paragraph.
    A trailing text.
    Figure 3: example of "text figure"

in a figure float.

> Should this probably be changed?

Instead, I vote for an alternative GUI method to center graphics (or
other content) with \centering. I would also welcome a generic setting to
have graphics in figure floats centered by default (If you browse the
list postings of the past 10 or so years, you will find that this is a
long standing request not only by me).


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