On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 11:38 PM, Hashini Senaratne <hashz1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> This is regarding some problems that I came up with while trying to proceed
> with the mentioned project idea. Hope I can get some ideas and help from here.

Hi Hashini, you found the right place.

> I am interested with the project: Horizontal scrollbar for tables and math
> that is mentioned under http://wiki.lyx.org/Devel/SummerOfCode2013Ideas.
> Basically I installed LyX Document processor to my system (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)
> and experienced that problem. After that, I downloaded the source code from
> the Git repository and was able to compile it and finally run it after
> several attempts. The version 2.1.0 dev is now running on my system using
> the command line. Hope that is the latest version.

Glad to see that you are all set up. I also use Ubuntu. Note that
there are two ways to build LyX -- with autotools and with CMake.

> As I can see, in LyX if we print (/view as pdf) a document with a too wide
> table, the extra part is going to be cut out in the output. This will happen
> even if a horizontal bar is created to access the extended edges in the
> editing environment. Is there any solution that the organization has figured
> out for this issue? Or is that part also falling under to the same project?

>From what I understand, this has nothing to do with the project. I
think the project is only about the LyX representation of a table and
has nothing to do with LaTeX. To answer you question though: I have no
experience with wide tables in LaTeX, but one solution would be to
rotate it and if necessary use a "long table". See the table settings
(Edit > Table Settings).

> If possible, please introduce me some introductory bugs that are easy to
> start with and related to this project.

Note that I am not very experienced so if you are ever wondering
"should I do what Scott says or what X says?", do what X says.
Especially if X is Jean-Marc.

If you are looking for things to do (I'm not sure you should be at
this point), are you familiar with Qt?

I get the feeling that this is an ambitious project. It is also (in my
experience) one of the most often requested feature enhancements. See
the main bug report here:
Note how old it is. Many reports have been marked as duplicates of that report.

You should wait for advice from someone else, but here is a guess at
something that might be useful to do:
>From what I understand, this project has to do with painting and Qt.
So you could take a look at the bug reports that have to do with
painting and Qt. To do this, do the following:
1. http://www.lyx.org/trac
2. click on "View Tickets"
3. click on "Search for bugs"
4. Click the empty box next to "and" and go to "component".
5. Next to "component is", click on the empty box and go to "painter".

Another component you could select is "frontend-qt4". It has a lot
more tickets but is more general.

I would not recommend trying to solve those bugs, but maybe just
viewing the conversations there will give you a feel for what painting
concerns there are out there.

Another idea is to try to get familiar with the code regarding the
vertical scrollbar.



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