On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 10:18 AM, LyX Ticket Tracker <t...@lyx.org> wrote:
> #2757: bibtex errors not reported
>  I wonder if this wasn't implemented because it doesn't fit exactly with
>  the purpose of ErrorListUi because the BibTeX errors are not associated
>  with lines in the LyX file. It seems like that would be the right place
>  though. scanLogFile() would need to be created and some minor tweaks might
>  be needed, such as changing the tooltip (for this particular case) from
>  {{{
>  Selecting an error will show the error message in the panel below,
>  and jump the cursor to the location in the document where the error
>  occured.
>  }}}
>  to
>  {{{
>  Selecting an error will show the error message in the panel below.
>  }}}
>  and no jump would be done.
>  Any thoughts on this?

Any thoughts on this?


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