Three bugs in the current stable (93c0512b). The third one has an easy fix (and also a very trivial partial fix if you want to move forward with the release). The first two could be postponed after the release, or maybe they are trivial as well to Enrico. Found the first two while testing my solution to the third one.

1) SIGSEGV with previews (no math macros involved). I believe this is the one I mentioned in a previous message. See the attached lyx-preview-sigsegv.lyx for instructions.

2) Closing a file whose previews are being generated results in an error dialog "Could not remove the temporary directory /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.LXSnBrW17125" and the following output on the terminal:

Warning: Could not remove temporary directory
Could not remove the temporary directory /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.LXSnBrW17125/lyx_tmpbuf0 Warning: Warning in extract_resolution! Unable to open "lyxpreviewQ17125_legacy.log"
Warning: <type 'exceptions.IOError'>,IOError(2, 'No such file or directory')
Warning: check_latex_log: Unable to open "lyxpreviewQ17125_legacy.log"
Warning: <type 'exceptions.IOError'>,IOError(2, 'No such file or directory')
Warning: Warning in legacy_extract_metrics_info! Unable to open "lyxpreviewQ17125_legacy.log"
Warning: <type 'exceptions.IOError'>,IOError(2, 'No such file or directory')
Error: Failed to extract metrics info from lyxpreviewQ17125_legacy.log

So there's some additional cleanup to do now when closing a file.

3) Previews have the incorrect size with layouts that offer font sizes other than 1[0-2]pt (lyx-preview-fontsize.lyx). The legacy method offers a function that retrieves the actual font size and calculates the actual dpi. Attached is a patch (extract_resolution.diff) that imports this function in the new script.

(It's possible to just replace:
documentclass_re = re.compile("(\\\\documentclass\[)(1[012]pt,?)(.+)")
documentclass_re = re.compile("(\\\\documentclass\[)([0-9]+pt,?)(.+)")
but this does not take into account custom classes, options, preambles, etc. If this path is retained, here's the result of $grep FontSize *.layout:

achemso.layout: FontSize        10|11|12
acmsiggraph.layout:  FontSize           9|10|11|12
agutex.layout:  FontSize        10|11|12
amsart.layout:  FontSize   8|9|10|11|12
amsbook.layout: FontSize   8|9|10|11|12
apa6.layout:    FontSize              10|11|12
apa.layout:     FontSize              6|8|10|12
broadway.layout:FontSize                12
dtk.layout:     FontSize              default         # only 10pt in fact of A5
elsarticle.layout:      FontSize        10|11|12
elsart.layout:#  FontSize             "default"       # controlled by class
entcs.layout:   FontSize   11
extarticle.layout:      FontSize              8|9|10|11|12|14|17|20
extbook.layout: FontSize              8|9|10|11|12|14|17|20
extletter.layout:       FontSize              8|9|10|11|12|14|17|20
extreport.layout:       FontSize              8|9|10|11|12|14|17|20
foils.layout:   FontSize              17|20|25|30
hollywood.layout:       FontSize              12
IEEEtran-CompSoc.layout:  FontSize      12
IEEEtran.layout:  FontSize      9|10|11|12
iopart.layout:  FontSize        10|12
jasatex.layout: FontSize        10|11|12
latex8.layout:   FontSize             10
ltugboat.layout:        FontSize              default         # only 11pt
memoir.layout:  FontSize             9|10|11|12|14|17
powerdot.layout: FontSize size=8|size=9|size=10|size=11|size=12|size=14|size=17|size=20
sciposter.layout:       FontSize              14|17|20|25|30|36
seminar.layout: FontSize        8|9|10|11|12|14|17
siamltex.layout:        FontSize   8|9|10|11|12
sigplanconf.layout:  FontSize           9|10|11
slides.layout:  FontSize   |
svmono.layout:  FontSize        10
svmult.layout:  FontSize        ""

In particular, Powerdot has a special syntax, but the default font size is too big anyways (magnification=2000) so it's better to compute the font size from the log file, and this is precisely what extract_resolution already does.)

Attachment: lyx-preview-sigsegv.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: lyx-preview-fontsize.lyx
Description: application/lyx

diff --git a/lib/scripts/ b/lib/scripts/
index 9775b0e..f9ee3b3 100755
--- a/lib/scripts/
+++ b/lib/scripts/
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 import getopt, glob, os, re, shutil, string, sys
-from legacy_lyxpreview2ppm import legacy_conversion_step1
+from legacy_lyxpreview2ppm import legacy_conversion_step1, extract_resolution
 from lyxpreview_tools import bibtex_commands, check_latex_log, copyfileobj, \
      error, filter_pages, find_exe, find_exe_or_terminate, \
@@ -159,7 +159,6 @@ def extract_metrics_info(dvipng_stdout):
 def fix_latex_file(latex_file, pdf_output):
-    documentclass_re = re.compile("(\\\\documentclass\[)(1[012]pt,?)(.+)")
     def_re = re.compile(r"(\\newcommandx|\\global\\long\\def)(\\[a-zA-Z]+)")
     tmp = mkstemp()
@@ -167,14 +166,9 @@ def fix_latex_file(latex_file, pdf_output):
     changed = False
     macros = []
     for line in open(latex_file, 'r').readlines():
-        if line.startswith("\\documentclass"):
-            match = documentclass_re.match(line)
-            if match != None:
-                changed = True
-                line = + + "\n"
-            if not pdf_output:
-                changed = True
-                line += "\\PassOptionsToPackage{draft}{microtype}\n"
+        if not pdf_output and line.startswith("\\documentclass"):
+            changed = True
+            line += "\\PassOptionsToPackage{draft}{microtype}\n"
             match = def_re.match(line)
             if match != None:
@@ -406,8 +400,8 @@ def main(argv):
     progress("Preprocess through lilypond-book: %s" % lilypond)
     progress("Altering the latex file for font size and colors")
-    # Omit font size specification in latex file and make sure that multiple
-    # defined macros and the microtype package don't cause issues.
+    # Make sure that multiple defined macros and the microtype package
+    # don't cause issues in the latex file.
     fix_latex_file(latex_file, pdf_output)
     if lilypond:
@@ -452,9 +446,10 @@ def main(argv):
     # Compile the latex file.
     error_pages = []
     latex_status, latex_stdout = run_latex(latex, latex_file, bibtex)
+    latex_log = latex_file_re.sub(".log", latex_file)
     if latex_status:
         progress("Will try to recover from %s failure" % latex)
-        error_pages = check_latex_log(latex_file_re.sub(".log", latex_file))
+        error_pages = check_latex_log(latex_log)
     # The dvi output file name
     dvi_file = latex_file_re.sub(".dvi", latex_file)
@@ -490,9 +485,12 @@ def main(argv):
         return legacy_conversion_step1(latex_file, dpi, output_format, fg_color,
             bg_color, "pdflatex", True)
+    # Retrieve resolution
+    resolution = extract_resolution(latex_log, dpi)
     # Run the dvi file through dvipng.
     dvipng_call = '%s -Ttight -depth -height -D %d -fg "%s" -bg "%s" %s "%s"' \
-        % (dvipng, dpi, fg_color_dvipng, bg_color_dvipng, pages_parameter, dvi_file)
+        % (dvipng, resolution, fg_color_dvipng, bg_color_dvipng, pages_parameter, dvi_file)
     dvipng_status, dvipng_stdout = run_command(dvipng_call)
     if dvipng_status:

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