I've made all necessary additions to support Serbo-Croatian in LyX.

   * extension of encodings with iso8859-5 and cp-1251
   * extension of languages with serbocroatian and serbian.
     Serbo-Croatian is a generic name of the language (locale is sh) and
     its dialects are Croatian and Serbian. I made Serbo-Croatian
     iso-8859-2 based language, Croatian is already in there with
     iso8859-2, and I made Serbian iso8859-5 based (cyrillic) with
     locale sr. Notice that babel currently doesn't have a support for
     serbian or serbocroatian, so I'm using croatian support of babel.
     That's a long story about dialects of this language that I'll skip
     I'm currently in contact with the author of Babel and we are
     preparing the generic support for Serbo-Croatian in all its
     dialects (including perhaps bosnian) and alphabets (latin and
     cyrillic). When it gets ready and distributed with TeX switching
     these options in the language file will be a piece of cake.
     I personally go around incompatibilities by using a file
     croatian.cfg (which is in fact a link to serbocro.cfg) to support
     my prefered wording. It gets loaded after babel's croatian.ldf and
     one can redifine everything if desirable.
   * serbocroatian.kmap
   * serbian.kmap
   * croatian.kmap (as a symbolic link to serbocroatian.kmap)

The tarball is attached. Comments and requests for changes are welcome.
I hope this finds a way into the next LyX release. If you think we need
a change of name (e.g. serbian-latin and serbian-cyrillic instead of
those I gave them) please tell me.

Best regards,
Zvezdan Petkovic


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