Am 25.10.2016 um 11:59 schrieb Jamil Haider:

Thank you for reaching out to me. I have tested LyX version 2.2.2 on
windows 10. (Previously I was on Ubuntu). Joining behavior is working as
expected. Right To Left is also working fine. Font is also being applied
properly in edit mode as well as in output PDF.

Hello Jamil,

many thanks for testing. Good news that it now works for you. I will now put in the patch so that the next major LyX release will support Urdu.

There are more good news for you: We found a fix for the nasty Arabic script display bug
that affects also Urdu.
so the next minor LyX release 2.2.3 in a few weeks will be usable again for right-to-left languages.

If you encounter other bugs than
please report them, no matter if they are related to Urdu.

Another request: could you please create documents where you mix Urdu with English text while the LyX document language is Urdu. Is the PDF output correct?

best regards

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