Le 24/02/2017 à 22:10, Guillaume Munch a écrit :
I like it in theory (we'll see for the practice). It would have been
nice to implement this as much as possible at generic level
(BUfferView::dispatch) so that math and text really behave identically.

I am not sure to understand your suggestion. Insets are supposed to be
able to customize LFUN_*_DELETE_* in whichever way they want. How would
you make this mechanism general without introducing assumptions on how
it has to be implemented?

I see now that it is difficult.

I do not see confirmDeletion implemented there and I do not see a
special handling for empty insets.

The checks notion of empty inset is implemented in the
Inset::confirmDeletion themselves.

Small questions though:
- I create an empty \mathord inset in a formula, backspace does use deletion confirmation. Is this normal? - if there are several cells (empty fraction) that are empty, why should there be a confirmation?


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