> Please enlighten me why you think you have to implement it the way you
> suggest.

Ok, here goes. If I leave out the all important line in 

        if (ButtonPolicy::SMI_NOOP == in) return;

then the up,down,add,delete buttons in the Citation dialog become active when 
a entry is clicked on in the two browsers. I think this occurs because their 
state is controlled by the dialog rather than by the ButtonController, but 
I'm not sure about this.

Of course, you could always extend ButtonController so that it can control 
_everything_, but that's definitely your baby not mine!

Incidentally, this stuff is now in BRANCH_MVC. Wait a day or so and it'll be 
in HEAD, so you won't need to check out anything to experiment.

I've got too many other things I'd like to address without modifying the 
ButtonController too. I consider this working code; fine to improve, but low 


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