On 23/07/2017 22:08, Christian Ridderström wrote:
Are the settings that needauth remember done:
a) per document, regardless of converter
b) per document-and-converter pair?
c) Also per snippet of code?

it's only a), but pls keep in mind this is only for those (few) converters 
tagged with the 'needauth' option in configure.py.

The rationale is that trust should be an issue with new docs never 
seen/compiled earlier only. What would it mean to trust Sweave insets in this 
doc, but NOT Gnuplot insets ? If I don't trust the document, then I should keep 
the warning every time a potentially harmful converter is attempted to be run. 
On the other hand, once I'm sure this is the doc I was expecting from my 
colleague, and I trust him/her, then it will be safe to authorize any converter 
in that doc.

E.g., what happens if I'm keeping a document on say a network drive. I
put some code in the document and execute it. When asked by needauth
the first time, I say "always allow for the document".   So the next
time I execute the document I'm not asked again.

What happens now if someone else modifies the code embedded in the
document?  Will the permission(s) still be active, so that the
document executes the new code?  Am I warned in any way?

no further warning happens here: that's to facilitate collaborative editing with 
colleagues: once I said I trust that pathname, then if I check out (git pull) a change 
from my colleagues, I don't want to be bugged again and again about risks. On the other 
hand, if I don't trust the folks I'm co-editing a .lyx doc with (which I assume to be a 
very very unlikely use-case), then I should never check that box saying "Never ask 
me again for the same doc".

Perhaps a variant could be that, even when I don't say "Never ask me again", if 
I authorize the use of a converter on a specific .lyx filename, then any further use of 
the same converter on the same file with the same time-stamp could be allowed without 
further questions to the user ?

If not, perhaps a future improvement could be to be able to approve
specific code snippets to be executed.
The user-dir could e.g. contain a hash of code snippets that's
approved to be run for a certain document. Or perhaps even for all
kinds of documents.

I'd be for keeping track of possible enhancements like this to 'needauth' as 
individual Trac items, to be linked to



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