
I came across this issue when using tex2lyx directly (in one of my
workflows) on MacOs 10.13.6

I can look on my laptop with Mojave tonight :-)-O, where LyX runs
otherwise without issues, I haven't finished testing all of my
workflows, but assume I'll upgrade the iMacs in the practice to Mojave
this weekend.

On 21/09/2018 18:12, Stephan Witt wrote:
> There was an error in the build procedure that went unnoticed.  I’ll
> have to change the build procedure to catch that.
> What you can do for now to return to production (until a new package is 
> available):
> 1) open a terminal window
> 2) create the folder with the hard wired path name
> => enter: mkdir -p /Users/Shared/LyX/utilities/lib
> 3) copy the frame work library in question to this new folder
> => enter: cp -p 
> /Applications/
>  /Users/Shared/LyX/utilities/lib
> You probably can do this with the Finder too - but I cannot explain it so 
> easy.

I have done

sudo mkdir -p /Users/Shared/LyX/utilities/lib
sudo chown -Rv $(whoami):admin /Users/Shared/
pushd /Users/Shared/LyX/utilities/lib
ln -s
ls -las

which (the symlink part) achieves the same :-)-O

With regards to how to do this in FInder, one could look at making an
alias and moving that into the Shared directory.

I have, however hunspell 1.6 installed with homebrew which is not seen
after a Reconfigure.

I wonder while you are fixing the build procedure (I assume the library
could be accessed withing the application but don't undertstand those
things) if you could make it look for a system wide hunspell
installation and use that?

And, while I have your attention,would it be possible to give tex2lyx
(and lyx itself) a -q (--quiet) option?

greetings, el
Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse          / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (Saar)            / *     |   Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell)
PO Box 8421                  /
Bachbrecht, Namibia     ;____/

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