On 3/27/20 4:21 AM, Daniel wrote:
> On 2020-03-19 15:03, racoon wrote:
>> On 2020-03-19 14:53, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>>> Yes, you could assign something like "command-sequence self-insert s;
>>> char-delete-backward; buffer-write" to Ctrl-S. Undo won't work, because
>>> then the document isn't dirty again.
>>> Riki
>> Unfortunately, when the settings dialog is closed and re-opened
>> everything that comes after the first semi-colon is chopped off. Is that
>> a bug?
> Oddly enough, it is possible to use similar command sequences. So, the
> problem isn't general. For example,
> command-sequence self-insert .; space-insert normal
> just works fine (see https://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/11798#comment:6).
> I don't know what the difference might be.

Don't see it here.

You can put it manually into your user.bind file if need be.


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