On 2020-04-10 11:00, Daniel wrote:
On 2020-04-09 23:55, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
On 4/8/20 8:05 AM, Daniel wrote:
Ideally, these "labels" would be customizable so that the content
label string can be customized in the same way as label strings and
counters (as in "section \thesection" and "(\roman{enumiii})"). Again
some shared features. There would be commands for different cross
reference types, maybe "RefLabelString", "EqRefLabelString",
"FormatLabelString", and "NameRefLabelString". Again, these
customization could be utilized by LyXHTML as well.

We have the PrettyFormat tag, which is what controls the HTML output of
formatted references. What are you imagining that the others would do?
(FYI, all that was done before I added refstyle support. That's why the
caps and plurals aren't supported (yet).)

FormatRef: Yes, the PrettyFormat tag in counters is nice. Yes, capital and plural support would be nice there. However, I think that for full customization, the counter should be directly referable, in addition to the LabelString via ##.

Use case: The Section layout is formatted as "1. Some heading". In this case "section ##" will result in "section 1." but it should still be "section 1".

By the way, theorem environments seem not to have PrettyFormats by default. I could take a look and post a patch if that's helpful and not yet in master.

Ref, EqRef: Currently, these references to enumerate lists will show the counter label string in LyXHTML. But that is incorrect since it also shows the period which is not shown in the latex output. Furthermore, what will be shown in the latex output can be customized with the enumitem package (https://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem/enumitem.pdf, p. 5). Hence, the ability to customize the plain reference would be nice as well. Again, it is not sufficient to refer to the LabelString via ##.

But I think that I was wrong to suggest a customization for both the label of Ref and EqRef because only the label of Ref needs to be customizable. EqRef just adds brackets.

NameRef: Currently, NameRef seems to show the same as FormatRef in LyXHTML. However, in contrast, the latex output shows section headings. Also, I think it would be nice if one could add labels to other elements than headings such as description and labeling lists labels. This is not officially supported by NameRef but kind of works in latex already by default and can be made to work fully rather easily (https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/526139).

In summary:
- PrettyFormat should be extended to be able use the counter directly as is LabelString.
- Ref should be customizable similarly as well.
- NamRef should show what is shown in the latex output, i.e. heading or list label.


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