On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Allan Rae wrote:

> John,  don't change the valid() function name or add another one.  Wait
> for Angus or I to change the operation of the dialogs input checking.
> Then you won't need those direct calls to bc().valid() just to workaround
> a mishandled input routine.
> Allan. (ARRae)

OK, I actually realised last night I was misunderstanding what I wanted.

I actually have another problem/request: we need to share management of buttons
between the controller and the dialog.

for exapmle, the citation dialog has "Add" "Remove" buttons which obviously should be
disabled when readonly etc. Unfortunately the dialog also has some say in when they
should be enabled. Currently in the kde frontend (well when I commit) I am doing, 
essentially :


after every bc().operation.

What do you think of the possibility of registering a callback method of some kind
that would be called after doing the standard enable/disable of the controller ?

Hmm, I haven't explained that very well, I hope you swim

btw, Angus, am I ok to change the TabCreate controller to access setParams(uint, uint)
? The dialogs have no business knowing that the rows, cols are represented as "rows 
string in the Dispatch


"Unredeemable train-spotting vacuity overlaid by the gloss of management theory."
        - John Redwood on William "Tory Boy" Haigh

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