On 11/25/23 23:03, T Rex wrote:
I have sent the add request to flathub. The compilations I have made have been successful, however I have had to make some unexpected maneuvers to allow the program to function correctly, such as editing lyxrc.defaults. I don't know if there is a better way.Without the modification the buttons to build and view are blocked.
Here you can find the manifest and other files:
I remain attentive to any ideas, suggestions or opinions.

It's fine to edit lyxrc.defaults, I think. This is basically a normal thing for distributions to do, though there may be some better way to do it. Perhaps someone else will know.

What changes did you make, out of curiosity?


El vie, 24 nov 2023 a la(s) 13:33, T Rex (sixpa...@gmail.com) escribió:

    Ready, thank you very much for the prompt response, when I have a
    functional version I will submit the request and I will send the
    links if I am successful.

    El vie, 24 nov 2023 a la(s) 13:27, Richard Kimberly Heck
    (rikih...@gmail.com) escribió:

        On 11/24/23 11:15, T Rex wrote:
        good day everyone, my apologies in advance if this is not the
        correct channel to do the following: as Lyx is not available
        on flathub, I would like to create the manifest so that it is
        available there, in any case the original sources are used,
        is there any Problem with performing that action?

        First, the GPL license surely allows it, so long as you make
        the source code available (which is obviously not a problem).
        Second, I can't imagine that any of us would object. Indeed,
        if you do go ahead, please send us the link, so we can add it
        to the download section of our website.

        Perhaps we should even include the manifest in our git
        codebase somewhere? That would need a bit more discussion.


Richard Kimberly (Riki) Heck
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University

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