On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 09:02:43AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Andre" == Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Andre> Maybe the both of you could work out some kind of consensus.
> Yes, probably...
> Andre> I think in the end we can have both, getting eqnarray by M-m t
> Andre> e and align by M-m t a ('t' like 'type') with entrys for both
> Andre> in the menus. But I don't know anything about the concerned
> Andre> religions so maybe this would be Wrong.
> Having explicit bindings is ceertainly the way to go. This default
> thingy is related to what happens when you do a C-Return. The default
> used to be eqnarray, and is now align. I'd rather keep the default
> because (1) people are used to it and (2) it only uses basic latex
> math. I am not sure what proportion of LaTeX users consider that using
> ams stuff is really the only way maths should be done; it seems to me
> that it is a personnal decision that we should not enforce on users.

(1) We should do UI changes if they give some improvement.
After all, in 1.1.6 we redesigned the menus so the users needed to learn new
I think that the improvement you gain by using align (e.g. no ugly spaces)
justifies to make it the default. In my opinion, people should use align
instead of eqnarray. If we change C-return to create an eqnarray,
most users will prefer using eqnarray just because it has shorter key binding.

(2) Most users just don't know about amsmath and what it does.
For example, in normal latex, if you have a numbered equation that is too
wide, the equation will overwrite the equation number.
However, if you include amsmath, the equation number will be moved down.
So it could be argued that amsmath should always be included by LyX when you
have a numbered equation.

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