>>>>> "Juergen" == Juergen Vigna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Juergen> On 23-May-2001 Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
>> So he wants to use RH 7.1 with lyxstring... why?
>> IMO lyxstring should not be used with RH 7.1.

Juergen> I use it all the time! (Much) faster compile and (much)
Juergen> smaller binary, if that is not reason enough (at least for me
Juergen> when I'm just trying to figure out where the heck it is that
Juergen> tabulars inside tabulars are not updated correctly (drawn) on
Juergen> file load!!!)

So how come you do not have a problem with sstream? Did you update
your gcc?


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