>>>>> "Mike" ==   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mike> Hi, The figure caption in a float appears to be immune to
Mike> justification commands: setting left, right, center, or block
Mike> has no effect. And worse, the state it is in is "center", which
Mike> is probably the worst of the 4 possibilities (well, maybe right
Mike> would be worse). Reopening
Layout-> Paragraph always shows the radio button at "center", no
Layout-> matter
Mike> what you did before. The perverse thing is that the DVI always
Mike> shows the caption as "block", as it should. This is 1.1.6fix1.

There are two problems here:

1/ captions (in standard classes) can be either centered (one line) or
   block-justified (more than one line). LyX does not have a way to
   represent this. Lars, is this handled in the new caption inset?

2/ The choice made in LyX textclasses is to use center on screen and to
   prohibit other settings. Unfortunately, the GUI does not reflect the
   fact that only Center is active, which is a bug.


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