On 23 May 2001, Lars Gullik [iso-8859-1] Bjønnes wrote:

> John Levon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | > were allowed to "click into" the minibuffer. (then the minibufer would
> | > have to know about lyxfuncs etc...)
> | > 
> | > M-x is your friend.
> | 
> | I'm now very confused. Because I just started CVS lyx up again, and now I
> | /can/ click in the minibuffer. I don't see what focussing in has to do
> | with the minibuffer having to know about lyxfuncs anyway (what's the difference
> | between that and M-X ???).
> You can? Are you sure this is not lyx-1.1.6?
> in cvs you are not supposed to be able to click in the minibuffer.
> (until after M-x that is)
> M-x calls WorkArea handle event -> lyxfunc handle keysym
> How do you plan to get a click in the minibuffer to end up the same
> place?

ok, this is really weird behaviour. I just need to press M-x /once/ and
then forever more I can focus on the minibuffer with the mouse. What is the
meaning of this keypress ? It acts like "permanently unlock the minibuffer".

I suppose I should go back to the code because I really don't understand why
things work like this (and it is a thoroughly confusing change for the naive

> ever used emacs?

briefly ...

> However I agree.

... but indeed it doesn't mean we have to copy bad ideas ;)


"Khendon's Law: If the same point is made twice by the same person,
 the thread is over."

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