>>>>> "Mike" ==   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mike> This brought up the idea of an Errata section on
Mike> the Web. At least we can collect the current inconsistencies and
Mike> make them known there, so the Users don't get totally frustrated
Mike> with the current situation.

Note also that a good place to put documentation errors is the bug
system at sourceforge. I think there is a "Documentation" category
there, and it is a good way to keep trace of what changes should be
done. You could maybe encourage people to post all the inconsistencies
they know about there.

I also had a few ideas on how to simplify somewhat the documenter's
work, like an inset that displays the keybinding of a given function,
or even the menu entry corresponding to this lyxfunc. I guess this
could help getting the doc up to date (although it will not do


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