Richard Harris wrote:
> Dear Garst,
> You are not suggesting that the format acceptable from an oscar-winner has
> anything to do with the requirements of agents who receive hundreds of spec
> scripts every month and yearn to toss them in the trash?
> Richard
>    Garst
I have converted their script, which sets out rules for script
formatting, to LyX.
Also, I have added the means of altering the parenthetical length and
indent, and the dialogue lenght and indent.
I have further provided two new commands, "More" and "Description." More
can be inserted in a Dialogue to force a pagebreak, put (MORE) at the
bottom of the page, and the current Speaker followed by (CONT'D) at the
top of the next page. Description is the same as Narrative, except that
it does not allow a page break, and should be used after INT. and EXT.
to keep the description with with the scene.

I still have not figured out how to set the margins in the hollywood.cls
to match those I set in Document->Paper, as per Dekel's suggestion.
If you would like, I can send you the new hollywood.layout,
hollywood.cls, and the script.lyx for you to check.

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