Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Juergen> But since the list doesn't feature all languages of LyX: How
> Juergen> about sending this list to the translators (and maybe to
> Juergen> lyx-users) so they can comment (on inner quotes), correct
> and Juergen> add?
> I'll do that once I have a framework in place.


> Juergen> In German you use inner quotes for quotations in quotations,
> Juergen> and the inner quotes are always the single quotes - ,,quote
> Juergen> ,inner quote` quote`` - »quote >inner quote< quote«
> So it means that we should provide two kinds of quoting for german...
> Is one sort more common than the other? In this case, we would
> provide one as default and let people override it.

,,quote`` is more common, this should be the default IMHO.

> Juergen> but of course single quotes are used in other contexts, too
> Juergen> (as distance-markes; the so called ,distance markers`)
> What's that? Would using inner-quotes for that be acceptable, or is
> ,distance markers` used also in cases where >inner quote< is used?

No, it's used outside quotations. If I do not quote from a source. Its 
function could be described as: I use a term with which I do not fully 
agree, but it's no quotation (but it's the same typographic symbol of 
E..g.: People talking a lot about ,War against Terrorism`these days.
(irritating, isn't it? ;-)
Basically, we should provide two possibilities (at least for German): 
(1.) Inner quote: I have used an opening double quote and use a second 
(third etc.) quote, this should be a single quote.
(2.) Distance Marker: Possibility to insert single quotes (outside 
double quotes) via a keybinding. Personally I need this very often, 
because I use double quotation marks only for quotations and single 
quotation marks as ,distance markers` (which is typographically correct 
for German). I can do this currently by entering the Document -> 
Language dialog (which is not very comfortable) and by using Commas and 
Accents (,...`) which does not exactly give the correct typographical 
output and does not work for >...<.

> It seems that this quote business is rather complicated :(

Yes. I guess you could start a nice debate about that on etc.text.misc 


> JMarc

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