On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 02:57:11PM -0500, Richard E. Hawkins wrote:

> It does not appear to be possible any longer to add a row to an 
> existing tabular save at the end.  What happened to "append row"?

works fine for me. Can you do :

control-x tabular-feature append-row


(btw, everyone, what is "tab-insert" for ?)

> Also, it is very difficult to select a group of cells in a 
> tabular--once the little red box appears, I seem to need to click 
> elsewhere to move it, and then position *very* carefully in order not 
> to reactivate it.  Otherwise, even though the large multi-cell regions 
> shows as selected, and is all deleted in a cut, the contents of the 
> clipboard apparently do not change.

Please give an example file and detailed method (cell nr's etc.)


"Faced with the prospect of rereading this book, I would rather have 
 my brains ripped out by a plastic fork."
        - Charles Cooper on "Business at the Speed of Thought" 

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