On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> My point is:

Yes, maybe the bibliographic entry is a string, and just that.
However, the semantics of this string is defined by the buffer wide
database, and in some cases, this can be relevant to have, in order
to for instance display the inset in a more intelligent way that
just the string.
Also, it could be relevant for an inset to access this database for
other reasons. Suppose that it wants to present a dialog with all
the keys in the database.
Then it has to know the buffer, or the database, or something.

Now, please do not explain how you want to solve this problem once
more. I understand perfectly well how you want to solve this problem
with the top-down approach.

I'm just saying once more: We have the need for leaves to acces
information higher in the tree. Can we agree on that?

Your approach requires impose this need of information into the source
code by threading all the methods down to the leaves in the

With the other approach, you do not need to do this.

Well, I guess you understand this, and we simply disagree.

> Whenever something "interesting" should happen (like looking whether this
> key exists in some .bib file), the function gets passed a ref to the
> file/database/whatever.

You do not need to explain how it could work in a one-way system
again and again. I understand how it could work, and have all the
way in the discussion.

I am not disputing that it would not work.

I just think that it's a suboptimal design, because it skews the
responsibility, and complicates the code.

> It is the job of every inset to pass down to its children stuff it can't
> handle by itself...

This structure implies that each inset has to know what N kinds of insets

The other way, each inset only needs to know how to handle it's own

I think maybe you overestimate the amount of work involved in keeping
back-links alive. It is really no big deal, and IMO it gives you
better code and more possibilities.

Well, it's Friday, so I suppose it's allowed to keep this discussion
going for hours. I just wish it could take a turn at some point.

Can we agree to switch sides at 16.00, and then suddenly turn
around on a plate, and argue the other part's case?



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