>>>>> "Herbert" == Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Herbert> no, I do not think so, because we return the inserted lines!

I stand corrected.

Herbert> remember that bug hunting is much more easier when I have an
Herbert> output like \includegraphics[ bb = 0 0 200 100, draft,
Herbert> type=eps]{rose2.eps not found!}

I understand that, but the output is a bit nicer on one line.

Herbert> but anyway, here is the patch

I will not have time to test and apply it until tueasday, I think. So
Angus, if you  want to take a look, you're welcome.


PS: what about just outputting the file name? This would maybe help reLyX?

PPS: I do not see what is the magical code in graphic[sx].sty that
helps typesetting foo_bar.eps correctly. Does it really work?

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