Lots and lots of things are caching a BufferView * or a Buffer *. To name a 
InsetFormulaBase (BufferView *)
InsetCite (Buffer *)
GraphicsLoader (BufferView *, cached for 2 secs then used).

Moreover, InsetGraphics and InsetInclude both are using current_view because 
they don't cache but should. In the case of InsetInclude that's preview 
related so it's not yet in cvs.

Clearly when we move to multiple / changing BufferViews this is going to lead 
to nasty problems.

Lars has mentioned using boost::weak_ptr in just such a context and I'd like 
to do so here. From the boost docs


The weak_ptr class template stores a pointer to an object that's already 
managed by a shared_ptr. When the object last shared_ptr to the object goes 
away and the object is deleted, all weak_ptr objects have their stored 
pointers set to 0.

I'd like, therefore, to change the LyXView store
        /// return the current buffer view
        BufferView * view() const { return bufferview_,get(); }

+       /// weak_ptr.get() is reset to 0 automatically when bufferview_ is killed.
+       boost::weak_ptr<BufferView> const cachablePtr() const {
+               return boost::weak_ptr<BufferView>(bufferview_);
+       }

        /// view of a buffer. Eventually there will be several.
-       boost::scoped_ptr<BufferView> bufferview_;
+       boost::shared_ptr<BufferView> bufferview_;

and to make it accessible through BufferView:
boost::weak_ptr<BufferView> const BufferView::cachablePtr() const
        return pimpl_->owner_->cachablePtr();

Then if things want to cache a BufferView * then they can do so safely.

What do you think?


ps, when LyXView stores multiple BufferViews, we'd perhaps have
        boost::weak_ptr<BufferView> const cachablePtr(BufferView *) const;
but that is for the future...


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