On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 12:31:58PM -0600, Bo Peng wrote:

> There is a long existing problem with lyx/url and was discussed in 
> lyx-users several times. When exporting lyx url to html format, the 
> links turn to normal text. Temporary solution is to use ERT and 
> \htmladdnormallink. Will 1.3 fix this problem? I searched bugzilla with 
> keyword url but I could not even find this bug!

There have been no changes here. And bugzilla does not list all known
bugs, just a subset

> A tiny bug in 1.3cvs: the focus changes in insert -> url window is 
> strange. It goes from url to the check box to buttons and then to link 
> name. Should be able to fixed easily.

It helps if you mention the frontend in  general (though it's obvious
here ;)

Fixed in my tree, thanks.


"Saying that taste is just personal preference is a good way to prevent
disputes. The trouble is, it's not true."
        - Paul Graham

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